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Which sun cream?

Spending some time outdoors under the sun is a healthy habit. It helps your body create Vitamin D and also uplifts your mood. However, you can't forget that sunlight has harmful UV rays. This can damage and inflame your skin, also known as Sunburn. And regular prolonged exposure to UV rays can even pave the path for skin cancer.

Therefore, applying sunscreen or sun creams is very important. But then the question arises of how safe these creams themselves are? And what can you do to get the most out of your sunscreen? Read on to find out.

What Is The Healthiest Type Of Sunscreen?

There are mainly two types of sunscreen- mineral, and chemical. Among them, mineral sunscreen is the healthiest type. That's because they contain all-natural ingredients such as Zinc Oxide and Titanium Oxide. Even if these particles pass through the skin layer into your body, they do not cause any disease.

Usually, the Zinc oxide and titanium oxide layer of a mineral sun cream absorbs the sun's harmful rays. At the same time, it deflects some of it. So, the radiation can't affect the skin cells.

Besides being healthy, another benefit of mineral sunscreens is that you don't have to wait before going to the sun. It instantly forms a protective layer after application. Also, unlike other sunscreens, it doesn't block the skin pores.

However, mineral sunscreen tends to wear off quickly. So, you have to apply them several times in a session. This also makes it unsuitable for swimming or during activities which make you sweat. Plus, mineral sunscreen sometimes leaves a visible white powdery layer on the skin when it dries up. For these reasons, many people prefer Chemical sunscreens.

Which Sunscreen Ingredients Are Dangerous?

Another type of sun cream is the chemical one. Unlike mineral sunscreens, they don't wear off quickly. You can apply a thinner layer with less cream and still get the desired effects. However, studies have found that chemical sunscreen can pass disease-causing 'Oxybenzone' into your body.

The chemical Oxybenzone finds its use in sunscreen as a powerful UV blocker. But recent discoveries show that it can pass the skin layer and enter the body. This causes alarming levels of the chemical in the body.

Oxybenzone and other UV filters in sun creams can severely affect the reproductive health of humans. Plus, it gives rise to various kinds of pregnancy complications. For instance, they can cause early pregnancy and low birth weight babies. Moms who regularly used chemical sunscreens also showed significant levels of the chemical in their breast milk.

Besides Oxybenzone, chemical sunscreens contain around 12 other least harmful ingredients that scientists are investigating. These include Avobenzone, Ecamsule, Octocrylene, etc.

Tips For Healthy Sunscreen Use

Don't let the above discussion discourage you from enjoying the outdoors. Instead, be clever with your sunscreen use. Here are a few tips to help you-

Read the ingredients: Carefully read the bottle before purchasing a sun cream. Try to get the ones that have Zinc or Titanium Oxide in them. And avoid the ones that have Oxybenzone.

Prefer Mineral sunscreens: Avoid chemical sunscreens as much as possible. For instance, use mineral sunscreen if you are lying on the beach. Only during swimming or sports activity should you use chemical sunscreens.

Limit Application: When you use chemical sunscreens, try to use as little as possible. So, apply evenly to the whole body. You should also apply it twenty minutes before you go out in the sun. This will help the cream set correctly, so you don't have to re-apply anytime soon.

This content was provided by yours truly, Dig Detox. Our mission is to help people use technology safely as we believe health is our most valuable asset. For further articles, research, and information on the movement, please visit



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